Need Help?

As we learn more about what our partners and learners need today, TheologyX  gathers a list of frequently asked questions.

Our responses to these can be found below categorised into the following sections:
“Using TheologyX”, “Troubleshooting issues”, “Partner specific queries” and “TheologyX partnerships”.

Scroll down the page to find the answer to your question.

We’re expectant that these will resolve your queries, but if they don’t please get in touch with us so that we can help resolve you issue.

Click each of the questions below to reveal the answers.

Using TheologyX

To create your TheologyX account for the first time go to the registration page. You will be asked for four items:

  1. An email address1
  2. A public username (unique to you)2
  3. Your full name (to appear on any certificates)
  4. A password

1Email addresses can only be associated to one TheologyX account. If you use a shared email address, only one person will be able to use it for their account.

2Usernames cannot contain spaces. Try using a hyphen (-) or underscore (_) as part of your name. For example Joe-Bloggs or Jane_Doe.

Usernames have to be unique as they can be used for enrolment purposes. Therefore there can only be one ‘John’, one ‘Mary’ and one ‘Timothy’. You may need to include your surname or numbers to differentiate you from others.

Usernames cannot use spaces so you may need to use a hyphen (-) or underscore (_) rather instead of a space.

Once your TheologyX account has been created an email from the system will be sent to the email address used to set up your account. In that email there will be a button to click linking you to activate your account. Click the link or copy and paste it into your web browser. A confirmation message will display confirming you’ve activated your account. You’ll then be able to log in.

To reset your password go to the sign in page.  

  1. Under the textbox for inputting your ‘password’ there is a message saying “Need help signing in?” Click this.
  2. A new page will load inviting you to enter the email address you need the password resetting for.
  3. Click the ‘Recover my password’ button.
  4. Go to your email inbox.
  5. Find the email from entitled ‘Password reset on TheologyX’ and click the ‘Change my Password’ button.
  6. Your web browser will open on a page to set a new password and type it again to confirm it.
  7. Once reset, you will then need to sign in again.

If you do not receive the email you may have typed your email address incorrectly either when you created your account or on the password reset page. If it was at registration, you’ll need to create a new account.

There are two ways to enrol or be enrolled in a course on TheologyX.

  1. From the course catalogue, find a course and on its course information page by clicking the ‘enrol’ button.
  2. The course administration team will enrol you. If this is the case, on the course page it will say ‘This course is by invitation only’.

If the course requires payment you will be taken through the secure payment system for card payments. TheologyX uses ‘Stripe’.

When you mark a page with a bookmark a small tag appears on the unit tab and on the course outline under ‘course tools’ a category of ‘bookmarks’ appears. Use this if you’d like to mark particular pages of the course as important.

TheologyX will automatically return you to the last place you viewed in the course when you click the ‘resume course’ button from the course outline.

Troubleshooting issues

The easiest thing to do is clear your cache. If you do an internet search for “how do I clear my cache”, the results will tell you the steps relevant to your browser.

If you’re account is locked due to multiple failed attempts, wait about 10 minutes before trying again.

Take care to check you are inputting the correct email address and password when signing in.

Please ensure you’ve typed your email address correctly.

Please check your junk inbox, some antivirus software likes to filter the emails from TheologyX.

Please check again in an hour, it may have been delayed from the system.

Contact providing the Kathryn with as much detail as you can about the steps you’ve taken. Please note, this is a enquiries email address for all of TheologyX, you will need to provide details of the course you’re enrolling in. If your question is course specific please look in the course details for information.

There are a few options why this is the case.

  1. You have just created your TheologyX account and you haven’t yet enrolled in any courses.
  2. The partner organisation’s administration team haven’t enrolled you in the course yet. They will likely send you an email when you’ve been enrolled.
  3. You’ve previously engaged with a course which has since been archived. On your dashboard click ‘Past Courses’ to see your archived courses.
  4. You’ve got a secondary account with a different email address to the address you paid/enrolled in the course with. Logout of TheologyX and sign back in using the email address enrolled in the courses.
  5. You’re a Cliff College student and you’ve signed into TheologyX instead of CliffX. Logout and go to CliffX.

Your dashboard is split into current and archived courses. The default view is ‘my courses’ which are your current courses. There is a second tab entitled ‘Past courses’, if the end date of the course has passed your course will now show under ‘Past courses’.

TheologyX does not delete past courses, they are simply archived for you to return to.

You may not have activated your account. When an account is created an activation email is sent to the address to verify that the email address used is real and can be accessed. Until an account has been activated via a link in the email, you cannot log back into the account after the initial access.

Go to the mail inbox for your account’s email address and find the email from TheologyX inviting you to activate your account. Once your account has been activated you’ll be able to log in.

This can happen for a few reasons

  1. You typed the email address incorrectly when you created the account and therefore no email has been received to be able to activate your account. The system cannot send emails to accounts not yet activated.
  2. You have not yet activated your account. Find the activation email in your mail inbox and follow the link.
  3. When requesting the password reset you typed the email address incorrectly. Please try again, typing your email address accurately.
  4. The email is on its way, but not yet arrived into your mail inbox.
  5. Your account hasn’t been connected to MCSLX yet but has previously been used on another TheologyX website. If your account was originally connected to CliffX, MCBX or MCSLX please go to that site to reset your password, before attempting to log in to MCSLX again.

Partner specific queries

Methodist Church in Britain

The Methodist Church in Britain have their own version of TheologyX called ‘MCBX’. Their courses are now available there.

Please log in to MCBX here:

Children's Ministry Network

You can enrol in individual courses via the course catalogue or pursue the whole programme.

Create or log in to your TheologyX account, go to the course or programme page and click the ‘enrol’ button.

There are 10 modules in the programme.

  1. The world of the child
  2. The developing child
  3. Biblical perspectives on children
  4. The role of play in faith formation
  5. Creating space for children in our church communities
  6. Inclusion
  7. Participation
  8. Contexts of mission and ministry with children
  9. Pastoral care
  10. Leadership and teamwork

You can sign up to each course individually or buy the whole programme at a discounted price.

You can pay-as-you-go and sign up for each course at the price of £10 per course.

If you pursue the whole programme you can get all ten courses for the discounted price of £80. Find out more on the programme page.

There are frequently asked questions on the course information pages for each course and on the programme page.

Cliff College

Cliff College has its own version of TheologyX called ‘CliffX’.

You can log in here:


You can search the Cliff College catalogue to see the training courses you can engage with on TheologyX.

Examples of courses offered by the College include:

  • Introduction to Evangelism
  • Creative Bible Reading
  • Women in the Bible
  • Studies in Ephesians
  • Introduction to Christian Holiness
  • Certificate in Parenting for Faith

TheologyX partnerships

Great question!

Partnerships can come in many shapes and sizes and TheologyX has a solution for you and your theological training.

  1. Course by course – for those who want to begin with a single course they want to share publicly or privately 
  2. Portfolios of courses – for those who know they have a series of courses to run we make it affordable to by in bulk.
  3. As your own learning management system (LMS) – for organisations who have a lot of private/internal training courses and want freedom to have their own version of TheologyX.

Get in touch with Kathryn Middleton and Andrew Stobart on to develop your part of this learning community and request the solutions documentation.

That’s exciting! Kathryn Middleton and Andrew Stobart are the people to talk to. You can email them via and explore how you’d like to engage.

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact us.