Children's Ministry Essentials 1: The world of the child

About This Course

In this module we start to explore the world of the child as shaped by the culture that they are born into. Both our own experience and that of the children we work with will shape why and how we do the mission and ministry we are aiming to develop through this course. So as we dive into generational theory and look also at the influences on parents of the youngest generation, we are also asked to reflect on who we are in the mix. Each of the modules within the Children's Ministry Essentials includes preparatory work, insights, skills and discipleship to help develop your learning in the subject area, your skills as a practitioner and personal development as a Christian disciple. It is expected that each module will take you approximately 2 hours to complete plus additional time for extension work depending on your chosen engagement.

About Children's Ministry Essentials

Children's Ministry Essentials logo. Text in purple reads 'Children's Ministry Essentials' in the top left quadrant. The top right quadrant is shaped like a speech bubble and the outline is both yellow and purple. The bottom two quadrants have yellow outline of rounded-edged squares. The bottom right quadrant has the Children's Ministry Network logo within the yellow outline. The world of the child is the first of 10 modules of learning offer by Children's Ministry Network as part of their 'Children's Ministry Essentials' programme. You can take this course as a stand-alone module or as part of the whole programme. If you're ready to begin this as a stand-alone module, sign up by clicking the 'enrol' button on this page and make payment securely online. If you're wanting to sign up for all 10 modules, please go to the programme page to buy all ten modules as a package bundle at a discounted price. Some members churches and organisations of the Children's Ministry Network may be offering 'facilitated delivery' in groups, please see the organisation's marketing for information about it. Whether you're going to be taking Children's Ministry Essentials online at your own pace or as part of a facilitated group you'll need to purchase your access to the materials through TheologyX.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I take this course?

You can take this course in two ways
  1. Online self-paced on TheologyX
  2. In person/online through a facilitated delivery

Can I start this today?

Enrolment opens on 1st August 2024, from this date you'll be able to sign up for this module and begin your engagement at any time after 1st October 2024 as the official launch date. As the online self-paced option allows you to learn at your own pace, you can work through all the material in one sitting, or engage over a period of time that works for you. TheologyX will save your progress and when you return to it, TheologyX will return you to the last place you viewed in the course.

Is 'online self-paced' or 'in person facilitated delivery' better?

However you take this course you'll engage with great learning to help you understand the world of the child. Children's Ministry Network and its member organisations and denominations offers two ways to engage because people enjoy learning in different ways. Some people love learning online with a freedom of engaging with material at their own pace and at a time that works for them. Others may enjoy learning as part of a group and having a dedicated time to attend a session. One might be 'better' for you, but you'll get the same great teaching whichever you choose.

When can I take this course?

Children's Ministry Network offers 'The World of the Child' as a self-paced course for you to take at anytime. Once you have clicked the 'enrol' button and paid for the course you'll immediately be able to begin learning by locating the course listed on your 'dashboard'.

Can I take this course with a facilitator guiding me through it?

The member organisations and denominations of Children's Ministry Network may run facilitated sessions for the whole of 'Children's Ministry Essentials'. Get in touch with your organisation to enquire about how you could be part of the next facilitated delivery.

What is 'facilitated delivery'?

Facilitated delivery means that you will join a group of other participants to specifically journey through the 'Children's Ministry Essentials' programme of courses or 'modules' and a leader(s) will lead you through the material. This may be offered via a video conference platform such as 'Zoom' or it may be delivered in a physical venue such as a church meeting room. You will still use TheologyX to log your learning and find your resources for the sessions but you will be guided through it by a person.

Will I have other participants to engage with if I take the course online self-paced?

Mostly you will be able to reflect and engage with the learning on your own. You may find some discussion forums or the option to share your responses and read those of others in exchange as you work through the course material.

What do I do if I get stuck on the online self paced option?

This course is written with instructions on how to use the course activities and guidance added in for what to do and when. If you get a technical issue and can't resolved it on your own send the TheologyX team a message via the 'contact us' page and they may be able to assist if you provide details of what you're experiencing and where within the course. Flexible training in the essentials to equip and support everyone working with children: insights, skills and discipleship.
Course Information