If you’re wanting to explore partnership and/or your own course(s) being part of the TheologyX learning community please get in touch. We’d love to have a conversation with you about the solutions we have for you.

If you are having technical issues, please contact us via email or the form on this page. Please provide details such as the title of your course, the username/email address associated to your account and provide screenshots and the URL of where you’re encountering an issue. This helps the team to help you faster.

For course specific enquiries please talk to the course organisers first. They may have provided contact details within the course for you to get course related help.



Cliff College, Calver, Hope Valley, Derbyshire, S32 3XG


When sending the TheologyX helpdesk a message please provide as much detail in relation to your enquiry or issue as you can in the message below.

Your email address is used to contact your following your message and to help locate active accounts.

    Please note that our helpdesk members work Monday-Friday and may not be able to respond immediately.

    Got stuck on CSS: Advanced Safeguarding?

    If you’ve reached a ‘content locked’ message, you have missed a question on an earlier page in that section. Please go back and find it in order to move on. It is often below a video and you didn’t scroll down the whole page, or you only answered the first of multiple questions on a page, again, please scroll down to the bottom of every page.

    If you clicked the ‘go to prerequisite section’ button it will take you to the last page you viewed in the section, and not necessarily where you’ve missed the question, so please check the previous pages before seeking help.

    Awaiting your activation email?

    Activation emails can take a couple of hours to process, please be patient. So long as you typed your email address correctly when you registered it will arrive.

    Is your question answered in our ‘Frequently Asked Questions‘ (FAQs)? Please check our FAQs page as it may be that others have had the same query as you.