Women in the Bible

About This Course

The Women in the Bible course is one of a series of events being sponsored by The Bible, Gender and Church Research Centre, (https://cliffcollege.ac.uk/gender-centre) based at Cliff College. The course will be delivered by Dr Kirsi Cobb from Cliff College and Dr Holly Morse from the University of Manchester. In May 2019 Kirsi and Holly co-founded the BGC (Bible, Gender and Church) Research Centre. The Centre aims to foster research in biblical gender studies through various projects that will affect change in the Church and academia, so that both women and men can be empowered ‘to live life to the full’. This course on women in the Bible is one of many events to be held by the Centre. The course will touch upon some key figures and passages in both Testaments. If you have ever wondered if Eve was a temptress or if Paul actually meant that women should wear hats to church, this is the course for you. We will delve deeply into the world of these and other biblical characters and address some deep seated beliefs and questions regarding these topics. However, we are not content to simply understand these passages but we will also raise the important question of how the Bible can be applied to the contemporary lives of women in the Church, especially when in the past these texts have been more often than not used to harm rather than empower women.

Women in the Bible is a 6 session course which you can complete at your own pace. The sessions look at the following;

  • Session 1: Deborah
  • Session 2: Eve
  • Session 3: The Matriarchs - Sarah and Hagar
  • Session 4: Miriam
  • Session 5: 1 Corinthians 11:2-16
  • Session 6: 1 Timothy 2: 11-14

When you have completed this course you will receive a completion certificate in acknowledgement of your engagement with the course material.

You can purchase this course for £37.00.

Frequently Asked Questions

The course start date says 1 Jan 2022 can I still take it?

Yes! The start date is the date the course launched. You can begin the course at any time after the launch date.

Do I have to complete this course all at once?

This is a self-paced course. You may choose to do this all at once over a couple of days, or take a session a day or week. However it works best for you and fits around your life commitments.

How can I pay for this course?

TheologyX uses Stripe as the e-commerce system, you can pay for this course securely online. Click the 'enrol' button on this page to begin the process. Before you pay you will be asked to register for a TheologyX account or sign in if you have an existing account.
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